Empathy : A quality of Character


Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with ears of another and feeling with the heart of another                                             – Alfred Adler

Empathy, it is understanding, acceptance and knowledge of one’s feelings and emotions. It is how we as individuals understand what others are experiencing as if we were feeling it ourselves. Apart from assuming the situation of others, we talk to them, breaking the walls of their insecurities and making them feel comfortable, without being judgemental or biased so they can share their feelings, filling the void, i.e, Empathy.

We may naturally possess, but that doesn’t mean this quality cannot be nurtured, it is a skill that requires the understanding of emotional intelligence. A skill that deals with emotions by listening to the person who suffers in pain, sharing the half of his burden.

Empathy is the foundation of leadership, a trait of a great leader. A leader directs a group to achieve their goal, he/she knows and understands the depth of an individual perspective. Moreover, a leader is able to manipulate people’s thought who follow. You cannot become a great leader without being empathetic, reaching out to others is essential. Otherwise, you will not inspire others to follow you.

Similarly, if I cannot resonate my writings with the readers, it will be a failure of me, this blog, as I’m not able to express my opinions.

It is a quality of character, people with this nature of understanding builds strong bonding with others and even strengthens the existing relationships. The persona of such an individual is attractive. Empathy connects, the ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes.

Stay Happy and Keep Smiling…. 🙂

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