Anger : Destroy….

It’s 5:40 p.m.( 6th Feb ) I’m writing this Blog post. I just came to my hostel room directly after the classes. I had a rough day, so this writing would help me to overcome my anxiety.

My mind is full of mixed thoughts, I have learnt one more lesson today. It’s about “Anger”, the feeling of annoyance.

So you are now thinking, “What happened ?” , “Is something wrong ?”

Well I’m not going to narrate my story but I’ll talk about the “Anger”. I am not a short temper , I have good control over my emotions. But it happens with everyone sometimes we feel so annoyed as a result we lose our cool.

Being Angry is common and good too in order to express and heal the deep internal wounds. A common human behaviour, there is nothing to be ashamed of unless the anger becomes rage and crosses the limit.

At such time we don’t know anything, the rage takeover our senses. It’s just like a Volcanic eruption. Our mind stops working, no matter how calm nature you possess. You’ll become his slave, not forever, but till you become normal things will get worse.

A fine quote by Erica Jong conveys a message worth learning…

Image result for anger

Anger leads to destruction, it is as true as the existence of You and Me. Anger is not strength but it is the weakness that can make you regret on your actions. Yes it is a disappointed hope, keeping calm is important. It can affect your relations and quality of life. Your self-esteem crashes down, regret and irritation will make you uncomfortable and uneasy. It is the biggest enemy that lives within you.

People will say calm down but as you know it is easy to say.

Remember Anger is because of pain and pain is because of anger both give rise to each other. As a result of these the by product we get after the reaction is one more emotion  called “Hatred”. Never nourish hate within you for yourself and others, it’ll eat you up.

Don’t worry if you have done anything wrong in anger just realize it and give some time. Everything will be OK, I believe that the realization is enough to tackle the regret and disappointment.

This is my small Blog post, if you like then please Like, comment and Share.

Stay Happy and Keep Smiling… 🙂


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