Loneliness : Shadow of Darkness


More than 7 billion people live in this world, then why is it like many times there is no one ? The person besides don’t exist for us.

Hey there, it’s 2:10 p.m.(Feb 19). And today I’m gonna talk about a serious disorder commonly affects every person.

“Loneliness”, we all know the feeling of being alone, battle of thoughts. It’s like a match of tug of war between our heart and mind. We are similar to that rope, stuck because both the ends is equal in terms of strength. There are many reasons of loneliness but I’ll target the major reason which is common among our generation.

Actually the reason is quite simple we have a habit of attaching with people. We meet countless people in our life. Out of those few become very important, we find them interesting and supporting whether he or she is your friend, best friend, partner or any other. Our destiny put everything in appropriate order. Certainly with the time there grows an emotional link with the person. Gradually, we starts to trust them sharing each and everything. We feel their presence just like they are the one on whom we could believe.

It’s perfectly fine to find the people who can make you feel special. But then what is the problem ?

Everything in this world is not meant forever, nothing is intact, things change with the time, the circumstances plays a major role. If you look at the people around you, check on social sites or anywhere else one thing is common with most of the people, they are obssessed with someone. We have a bad habit of giving too much importance to others neglecting the one who stand besides us. That too much importance strikes us emotionally and mentally when the person leave. The priorities can change according to the requirement. People often lose interest in each other, even the strongest relation can shatter, the bond of trust is very delicate.

When the person leaves, sadness and sorrow comes your way, gradually pushing you towards the shadow of darkness. The meaning of shadow of darkness here is the deep thinking. The pouring thoughts will disturb you, and you are going to feel low and depressed. We make a lot of perception and stories in our mind.

The reality is there is no second person who is making you go down crazy right now. My friend, it’s you only you, the person has already left. You are stuck between your ambitions and reality. You have laid down your guard, the burden of emotions is very heavy to carry, so better it let go.

Values those who are there with you every moment, supporting you. There is always someone for you out there, the only problem is you are not trying to reach to them. Give importance to others, you should, but to the right ones who really deserves your trust and care. Make good friends, stay calm and composed. Never ruin your life for someone who doesn’t care for you. Release yourself from the prison.

At last I wanna say, If you like my writing then please hit the like button, do your valuable comments and share it with your loved ones.

Stay Happy and Keep Smiling… 🙂

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