Give it a Try.. πŸ˜

It’s correct 12:00 a.m. (7th jan) Β I’m writing this one and the caption is “Give it a Try”. “Try” a three letter word, small but compact and powerful. A word with a lesson worth learning.

Let’s start πŸ˜€

The point I’m going to make is our real life experience. We all have come across this situation where we wanted to do something but couldn’t do because of lack of confidence and believe may be due to insecurity and fear.

Making it more clear, I’ll tell you something about me. Till my 9th standard, I used to be a child dealing with insecurities. I used to be silent most of the time only speak out among my friends.

“Self-Confidence, what on earth that means ?” such kind of attitude I had. Living in a shell that was necessary to break.

Before moving ahead, I want to ask every reader who is going read this article, “Who do you think knows you the best ?”

It’s You….πŸ‘ ,You bet..πŸ˜€

The Key to unlock the shell. The remedy of this illness lies within me but only lacks the belief. I never liked to participate in the activities especially those where I have to face the people. I lack the “Try”,

” kya krna yaar participate karke” shitty excuses, “Bhai mere Baski nhi itne logo ke saamne”, ” kaunsa jeetna hai” and many more…πŸ˜‚ I didn’t utilise the opportunities, that “atleast try toh karte hai” was missing.

Umm…. Most of the people can relate I know very well.

The only thing I did, I accepted my incapabilities. In 9th standard, one Solo song competiton was held in our School, and I participated, I was afraid. Inner Me, “Ek baar face krle”. And the day came, 43 competitors were there with audience. My turn came and the rest is history. I was so happy with myself, I started to believe if others can do it then I must.

And now I’m opposite to what I once used to be. Some changes don’t come up with the time it needs to be bring by us. You can’t rely on time, “Time ke saath confidence badh jayega mera”, it’ll never because it depends upon you not on time. Failure is a test you need to pass but for passing an exam you must sit in it. Untill you accept you are fail you’ll never. Keep trying.

Don’t worry about failure, worry about the change you miss when you don’t even try.

The fear inside of you thinking, “what if things go wrong ?”, I would say then you’ll get to learn how to direct the things in the right direction.

You worry about the results before you try.

You must try if you have interest, may be you’ll witness a new “You”. πŸ˜€πŸ‘Œ

Give it a Try”…πŸ˜€

It’s 11:44 p.m. it took me a day for writing this so i’ll sign off. But remember,

Stay Happy and Keep Smiling…😊

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